

Why hello virtual world! What brings you to my neck of the woods? Let me guess: you're one of the few people that care I'm abroad and clicked the link on my facebook page so you can be as aware of my travels as I so choose. Or somehow stumbled onto this via the miracle of interconnectivity. Regardless of how you ended up here, I welcome you all with arms as wide open as Scott Stapp is filled with faux Christ love, that is to say a shit load. In here I hope to document my travels and experiences while in London as often as possible, but if London life proves to be one bloody good time you'll understand if this blog is at best periodically or at worst sparingly updated. One final note, you might be wondering (if you even care) why the title and domain name of this blog is 'Doodles Galore.' "Doodles have nothing to do with London" you might be saying to yourself. And as far as I know, you're right. I chose this name because, sometime ago, I came up with the idea to create a blog showcasing the doodles I drew while very, very bored in class. Much like inhibitions when drunk, the idea flew out the window and disappeared into the recesses of my mind, occasionally poking its little head to remind me it still existed, but always meek enough to push it back down. But I liked the idea, and in effort to perhaps start it when I get back to the states, or possibly while abroad (very slim chance), I registered the domain name before anyone else could. Basically this blog will be sans doodles for a while, no matter what the title and domain name lead you to believe. I guess that's all for now, but I'll probably write once more before I depart to the land that birthed the English Renaissance AND the Industrial Revolution.

1 comment:

  1. *stalking initiated* Hope you don't mind =P and good luck with everything!
